Technology & Innovation
New Survey Shows Most Americans Aren’t in a ‘Technopanic’
A recent poll from GET Creative, a division of USA TODAY NETWORK and marketing research firm Ipsos shows many Americans endorse the benefits of technology rather than succumbing to fear of the unknown.
March 8, 2019
Statement on NetChoice Survey
“This survey is incredibly valuable, especially at this particular moment, as tech companies are coming under fire from lobbyists, activists, and politicians seeking to expand government regulation. NetChoice and Zogby Analytics have demonstrated that Americans want governments’ hands off. What’s more, such regulation isn’t necessary—consumers leave platforms they don’t like. Americans think more government regulations […]
September 12, 2018
NetChoice Poll: Americans Believe in Technology Marketplace, Not Regulation
A new survey from NetChoice found that Americans think federal policymakers should take a hands-off approach to regulating technology companies.
September 12, 2018
Stand Together Trust Welcomes Neil Chilson
Arlington, VA, April 19, 2018—Stand Together Trust is pleased to announce that former Federal Trade Commission (FTC) acting Chief Technologist Neil Chilson will join the Institute as senior research fellow for technology and innovation on May 1. In this role, Chilson will help spearhead the Institute’s continued efforts to foster an environment that encourages innovation […]
April 19, 2018
Adam Thierer Interview
One of the biggest business stories of the year is that Uber has been banned in London. Politicians there cite public safety as their main concern. But could it also be an effort by London’s cabbies to block disruptive competition? Adam Thierer, author of Permissionless Innovation: The Continuing Case for Comprehensive Technological Freedom, thinks so. […]
October 1, 2017
Designing Discourse: How UX and Law Can Promote Free Speech and Debate
Stand Together Trust, along with the Lincoln Network and Medium, brought together designers and legal experts to discover the ways in which interface and UX design merge to influence the types of interactions users have on online platforms.
January 19, 2017
Automation’s Effects on Employment and Well-Being
Academics and venture capitalists recently came together in New York City to discuss how automation will affect employment. Earlier this month, Stand Together Trust, along with the Adam Smith Society and the Lincoln Network, brought together professors and venture capitalists for a discussion on the evolving nature of work and the challenges and opportunities created […]
December 13, 2016
Tech, Turkey, and Thanks
Technological advancements and cultural diffusion through cuisine have made it easier for more people to celebrate Thanksgiving in their own style. Thanksgiving may not have the carols and gifts of Christmas, but what it lacks in festivities it makes up for with food. And though today’s Thanksgiving bears little resemblance to the first harvest celebration […]
November 22, 2016
Taking Transportation Innovation off Auto-Pilot
Policy analysts and entrepreneurs discuss transportation innovation and the policies stifling progress in Austin. Stand Together Trust, along with the Lincoln Initiative, brought together policy analysts and Texas-based entrepreneurs on October 13 to discuss the current state of transportation policy, its impact in Austin, and the future of innovation. The night opened with a conversation […]
October 21, 2016
Grounded Before Departure: Air Travel Innovation
Services like Flytenow and technology for supersonic flights could have vastly improved air travel in terms of cost, speed, and ease. Yet regulations have stalled these innovations. The history of human transportation is a story of innovation. From the wheel to the airplane, improvements in our ability to move goods and people are driven by […]
September 23, 2016